Thursday, October 27, 2016

Home Depot Van Buren hits 100 Days Injury Free!

To celebrate, the account bought all the drivers a 12oz sirloin steak freshly butchered from a local market and grilled them up for the drivers.  Pictured below is Joe Zieroff, one of The Home Depot Van Buren’s driver trainers, teaching Austin Eckert (The 180 Day Experience Manager) how to properly grill a steak. 
After Austin was properly trained in grilling steak by one of The Home Depot’s Professional Driver Trainers, he got back to the basics and started properly seasoning the steak while the trainer is observing Austin’s progress so that the pack of hungry drivers had some good quality steak!

The drivers were all very excited to enjoy a steak that was not from a GFS box.  Some of the drivers mentioned that they had never worked for a company that served them steak before.  Most had a great time talking with the local management while they took turns grilling for each of the drivers.  The grill ran all day and night on Tuesday and Wednesday as they made sure each driver gets to recognize our sincere appreciation for their efforts in hitting the 100-day injury free mark.  We look forward to seeing what they have in store for the 200-day mark!

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