Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Wreaths Across America - Part 3

This past weekend, one of our own, Area Risk Manager Tracy Walker participated in the Wreaths Across America event in Central, OH.  We appreciate Tracy and his willingness to participate in this great event!  Below is Tracy's write-up on the event:

Here is one of the final destinations, Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman, OH.  With over 20,000 fallen here, Lynn and I volunteered to, “Remember, Honor and Teach” as the wreaths were placed on the graves. The mission of this organization is not to decorate the cemetery, but to say thanks to each fallen soldier for their service.  Wreaths Across America believes by saying their name and thanking them, their legacy lives on.  These services are conducted all over the country, with several in Ohio.  I would encourage anyone to get involved next year and this is a very humbling experience. 

Photos of Rittman below:

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