Monday, June 1, 2015

Get To Know Joe Schultz

This past week, Nick Van Hooser had the privilege of riding along with one of the best in the business, Joe Schultz.  Joe is a driver on our Toyota Fleet based out of Kentucky.  Joe will be coming up on 23 years with JB Hunt this coming August.  Joe resides in Buffalo, NY and is a 2 Million Mile Safe Driver.  Joe is married and has two children.  When Joe is not working he enjoys traveling with his family, listening to sports talk radio, and tinkering around the house.
Below is Nick's write-up on his RATLA:
Joe is one of the most tenured drivers on the Toyota Fleet.  Joe displays professionalism and expertise in every aspect of his job.  Joe resides in Buffalo, NY and through being loaned out and transferring a few times, Joe has done a number of jobs within DCS and the Central Region.  Joe is a family man who understands hard work and doing what it takes to support his wife and two children.  Joe has a son and daughter who are his pride and joy.  Throughout our ride, Joe told me about his recent family vacation to Orlando to visit Disney World.  It had been years since Joe got away and spent a week on a family vacation.  Joe is not like the typical Kentucky sports fan where they eat, sleep and breathe basketball.  Where Joe comes from, you eat, sleep and breathe hockey.  Joe’s team is the Buffalo Sabres and he’s excited about them picking up Dan Bylsma as their new head coach.  Joe has Sirius in his truck so that he can keep up with the world of hockey.  Joe also enjoys being a handy man at home and not having to pay anyone for home repairs.

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